Change management is a challenging process in the VUCA era, requiring leaders to adapt to a continuously changing environment. The article will provide a summary of the most common misconceptions based upon real-world implementation experiences in organizations.
Agile Development
If you’ve ever developed a product, you’ve almost certainly been derailed by scope creep. Features multiply, priorities blur, and schedules and budgets suffer
The discussed Scrum team failure patterns reveal potential pitfalls that will undermine Scrum’s effectiveness.
The golden rule basically states that nothing is certain. Every question has options, pros / cons, different outcomes that should be considered.
In an interview with Business Insider, Bezos said, "The most important thing is to be stubborn on your vision but flexible on details." This philosophy has guided Amazon from its early days as an online bookstore to its current status as a global e-commerce powerhouse.
Muda, Mura, and Muri are Japanese terms that refer to the three categories of waste found in a business. Understanding each is key to implementing proper lean manufacturing processes.
How to decide if your outsourcer is up for the enterprise challenge?
Set-based design is different than a traditional point-based approach. A point-based design approach commits to a set of requirements and a single design strategy too early in the 'cone of uncertainty'.
Like a football team, an Agile software development team is composed of highly skilled individuals who each play a specific role in working together to win a match.
Remote working - Thriving under this new model of work