Exploring the Influence of Dr. Joseph Juran on Steve Jobs' Approach to Quality and Innovation

TIGO Quality Secret
Garbage in, garbage out: poor inputs result in poor outputs
The Cone of Uncertainty is a graphic depiction of the increasing accuracy that is possible for estimates as the details of a project become more known over time.
If you’ve ever developed a product, you’ve almost certainly been derailed by scope creep. Features multiply, priorities blur, and schedules and budgets suffer
The golden rule basically states that nothing is certain. Every question has options, pros / cons, different outcomes that should be considered.
The KANO model shows that there is a basic level of quality that customers assume the product will have. For example, all cars have windows and tires. If asked, customers don't even mention the basic quality items, they take them for granted. However, if this quality level isn't met the customer will be dissatisfied.
Genchi Genbutsu (現地現物) literally translates "real location, real thing”(meaning "the situation onsite") and it is a key principle of the Toyota Production System. The principle is sometimes referred to as "go and see." It suggests that in order to truly understand a situation one needs to observe what is happening at the site where work actually takes place: the gemba (現場). One definition is that it is "collecting facts and data at the actual site of the work or problem.
Explore the latest questions and answers in Kano Model, and find Kano Model experts. Is KANO MODEL for measuring customer satisfaction still in active use?
Remote working - Thriving under this new model of work
Choosing a project management tool starts right from the implementing phase and the size/need of the organization.
TigoCMS was built based on Adaptive CMS. So what is Adaptive CMS?
In every business, there are key areas that need improvement. However, it can be challenging to identify those specific areas and to come up with the right plan for the desired outcome.