The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success
Last updated: October 08, 2024 Read in fullscreen view

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BRIAN TRACY is a public speaker specializing in personal effectiveness and the development of human potential. He has founded and heads his own consulting firm, Brian Tracy International. Mr. Tracy is the author of ten books, including Advanced Selling Strategies, Success Is A Journey and Maximum Achievement. Each year, he speaks to around 300,000 people about personal and corporate effectiveness.
Success, in business or in life, is entirely predictable. It’s never a random or chance event. Rather, success is always the direct result of compliance with the proven laws and principles which govern it.
These laws have always existed, in the same ways the laws of mathematics, mechanics and electricity have. They are enmeshed with the fabric of the universe. The laws are neither positive nor negative. They have been discovered and rediscovered by successful people throughout history. Whenever people have complied with them, they’ve prospered. Conversely, whenever they have been violated, progress and accomplishment has slowed or ceased.
In sum total, you will achieve far more with your life and business career if you live and act in harmony with these 100 laws than you ever could by acting any other way.
“The more you incorporate these principles into your daily thinking and decision making, the more effective you will become. You will attract and keep better people, produce and sell more and better products and services, control costs more intelligently, expand and grow more predictably and increase your profits with greater consistency. These ideas work. They work virtually everywhere, under virtually all circumstances in our business system. And the more you use them, the better they will work for you. The more you align your life with these laws and principles, the happier and more successful you will be. There are no limits.” – Brian Tracy.
Key Points from "The Laws of Life"
Law #1: Cause & Effect
Success is never an accident. It is always the flow-on effect of compliance with one law or another. Every thought, every action has specific and measurable effects – and to get the same results as other people, you simply need to obey the same laws they obeyed.
Law #2: Beliefs
Law #3: Expectations
Law #4: Attraction
Law #5: Correspondence
When will you apply these unbreakable laws of business success?
There are many other powerful, motivating, astonishing, and educating laws in this book; actually, it was a bit tough to narrow it down to just ten for this article.
If you have read the book, what are the other laws that caught your attention, touched your life, or changed your way of thinking?
Please share your thoughts and experience, so thousands of other readers can learn from you.