Success Story: Satsuki - Sales Management Software, back office app for School Subscription Management
Published on: December 02, 2022
Last updated: March 19, 2024 Read in fullscreen view
Last updated: March 19, 2024 Read in fullscreen view

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Build the real-time sales and financial management system to manage 32,000 customers and more than 3,000 products, perform hundred sales orders each day and build more than 20 reports and notification print templates for exporting late payments, sales overdue, sales changes, etc.
- Data Migration – The Cut-Over: Migrate large amounts of data from the existing system to new system.
- Evaluate client's Operational Maturity Level (OML)
- Unable to extend the current system (outdated technology, monolithic architecture)
- New requirements grow very fast.
- +50 new Use Cases as a result of AS-IS analysis process.
- Kaizen approach was adopted for continuous small improvements. Now it's time to apply Kakushin (break-through innovation) for a completely new system.
- The early version of MicroService is introduced for the MVP product.
- Predictive modelling and adapted RFM Analysis to segment customers.
- Idempotency in API Design: Prevent duplicate requests using Idempotent APIs
- T-CMS (Transactional CMS): CMS as a service for the management of e-commerce transactions.
- Modern Data Management / Single Source of Truth: Consolidate a single source of truth for all transaction master data, leads, finance, budget tracking, KPI tracking and user activity tracking.
- CMS (Billing CMS): CMS as a service for tracking expenses and revenues.
TO-BE (Expectation)
- Preserves existing business and leverage technological advancement (Like4Like).
- Expand the core features easily
- Upgrade continunously
- Drilldown between layers of data
- Track data changes over months in Reports
- Unlimited columns in spread sheet (reporting)
- Granular Permissions
- Sales/Payment Reports
- Cohort Analysis Reports
- Set alerts for overdue payment
- Collect payments on notes receivable
- Pre-qualified and pre-approved payments
- Track and monitor the unpaid due amount
- Manage the balance amount and the uncollected amount
- Create the reports of payable amount in future
Walkthrough Screen
Data Flow Diagram levels (Level 1 DFD and Level 2 DFD)