TIGO Tool - Estimate Your Project Accurately
Published on: March 01, 2024
Last updated: July 20, 2024 Read in fullscreen view
Last updated: July 20, 2024 Read in fullscreen view

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RFP vs POC: Why the proof of concept is replacing the request for proposal
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Value-Added Distributors do more than just distribute; VADs enhance the value of software through additional services and products. These enhancements range from implementing specialized software features to providing expert consulting and support services, such as Odoo, SAP etc.
The work of a VAD extends beyond the essential distributor work, encompassing a broader spectrum of customer engagement and technical support. Understanding what distributors are in the VAD context involves recognizing their ability to add significant value to both the product and the customer experience.
IT Consulting: Choose a support type
Why Do You Need a Pre-project? A proof of concept (POC) is an idea or service that is demonstrated to confirm that it is feasible, economically viable, or future-proof. It's the ability to show or prove that something actually works. In essence, the startup uses a sandbox environment to develop a prototype in order to demonstrate that their technology can handle real-world applications.
Learn more: TIGO Magic Scale - PoC tool for you to apply dichotomous thinking before submitting RFP
Learn more: TIGO Magic Scale - PoC tool for you to apply dichotomous thinking before submitting RFP
What is the objective of your software project?
Like-for-like replacement means replacing an existing unit with a unit of the same asset category, size and basic configuration. A “like-for-like” enterprise IT change is the replacement of existing software systems for similar apps in design, function, use and maintenance.
Learn more: Like for Like – how to preserves existing business and leverage technological advancement
New development is green field work where there is no existing system in the target software platform. This may be a reimplementation of an existing system, or development of a new system. The scope of new development is usually quite large.
A new feature is an addition to an existing system. The scope of new feature work varies significantly. It may be as simple as adding new business fields to a form, or require extensive modification to a system to add significant new capabilities (eg. adding a new statistic to a data analysis report). There is a gray zone between "New feature" and "New development". For example: adding a new report to an existing system. This may be new development as the code doesn't exist, but adds a new feature to an existing system. We would consider this a case where a new feature results in new development.
Learn more: Like for Like – how to preserves existing business and leverage technological advancement
New development is green field work where there is no existing system in the target software platform. This may be a reimplementation of an existing system, or development of a new system. The scope of new development is usually quite large.
A new feature is an addition to an existing system. The scope of new feature work varies significantly. It may be as simple as adding new business fields to a form, or require extensive modification to a system to add significant new capabilities (eg. adding a new statistic to a data analysis report). There is a gray zone between "New feature" and "New development". For example: adding a new report to an existing system. This may be new development as the code doesn't exist, but adds a new feature to an existing system. We would consider this a case where a new feature results in new development.
Describe your existing system
Describe your maintenance project Keeping the Lights On:
Most organizations allocate resources and budget to Keeping the Lights On (KTLO), which is essential for maintaining existing systems and infrastructure that are already in place (go-live and post-implementation). A survey by Vanson Bourne found that 89% of organizations believe they should spend more on innovation, and 77% believe spending too much on KTLO is a major obstacle. To address this, leaders must rebalance budget priorities, reduce KTLO costs, and redirect funds to innovation and new tools. By being more strategic in IT decisions, organizations can gain a competitive advantage and free up resources for innovation and development.
A software maintenance retainer contract is an agreement between two parties to maintain a piece of software after its initial release. As it's a retainer (and not a subscription), the client agrees to pay a certain amount up front for the purposes of handling any expenses that might occur in maintaining the software.
An Annual Maintenance Contract is a long-term agreement between a service provider (usually a maintenance company) and a client for ongoing maintenance and support. It typically covers a specific duration, often a year, and includes regular, scheduled maintenance visits throughout that period. Software AMC (annual maintenance contract) refers to an after-sales that delivers seamless software maintenance to businesses. Learn more: Why is Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) needed for IT Services?.
Comprehensive maintenance contract (CMC) not only offers preventive maintenance for your product but also includes all repairs. CMC for software systems covers any change requests, code refractory, feature upgrades, usage optimization or data analysis costs that come up while servicing those products. A non-comprehensive agreement will only cover the services themselves and any other expenses that might come up during the process are the business's responsibility. With a comprehensive annual maintenance contract, you can control and account for all maintenance costs on a long-term, fixed basis.
An Annual Maintenance Contract is a long-term agreement between a service provider (usually a maintenance company) and a client for ongoing maintenance and support. It typically covers a specific duration, often a year, and includes regular, scheduled maintenance visits throughout that period. Software AMC (annual maintenance contract) refers to an after-sales that delivers seamless software maintenance to businesses. Learn more: Why is Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) needed for IT Services?.
Comprehensive maintenance contract (CMC) not only offers preventive maintenance for your product but also includes all repairs. CMC for software systems covers any change requests, code refractory, feature upgrades, usage optimization or data analysis costs that come up while servicing those products. A non-comprehensive agreement will only cover the services themselves and any other expenses that might come up during the process are the business's responsibility. With a comprehensive annual maintenance contract, you can control and account for all maintenance costs on a long-term, fixed basis.
Describe your project scope
Do you have any of the following artifacts or UI-Scaffolding?
Describe your future system
Let us know how much you have prepared for project implementation
Let us know your current state (AS-IS) and expectations (TO-BE):
The AS-IS state of a process is the “now” state of a legacy system. It's how the process operates before you make any changes or improvements. Legacy systems are vitally important for the continuation of business in an enterprise as they support complex core business processes. However, legacy systems have several well-known disadvantages such as being inflexible and hard to maintain, so momentum is growing to evolve those systems into new technology environments.The TO-BE process, on the other hand, is the future state (gain points, pleasure points). To actually make your process improvement initiative work, you need to document both states in your requirement document.
Specify your "Pain Points (PP)": Pain points – the negative experiences, emotions and risks that the customer experiences in the process of getting the job done.
Help us identify your problems: Which pain points were you experienced with previous projects/vendors?
Help us identify your problems: Which pain points were you experienced with previous projects/vendors?
Specify your "Pending Points": Pending points are the To-Be-Determined requirements which fall into the grey zone. It is where the requirements are not clear or incomplete, and the stakeholders have varying expectations. This ambiguity can result in misinterpretation, which can lead to errors in the final product. In such situations, it is important to use a systematic approach to identify the root cause of the problem and arrive at a solution.
Specify your "Gain/Pleasure Points": Gain points – the benefits which the customer expects and needs, what would delight customers and the things which may increase likelihood of adopting a value proposition.
Pleasure points represent a “nice-to-have” benefit. Pleasure points are a key way to get attention from your Most Valued Customers, especially in a “saturated” market which needs business traction to succeed.
Pleasure points represent a “nice-to-have” benefit. Pleasure points are a key way to get attention from your Most Valued Customers, especially in a “saturated” market which needs business traction to succeed.
What is your budget range (USD)? (optional):
Let us know your information:
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What happens next...
- A TIGOSOFT advisor will review your submission shortly and will get in touch if your requirements aren't very simple.
- We will then compile a shortlist of 1-3 matching solutions and send you a custom report comparing them.