If you’re getting into process management, the as-is and to-be process states are a must-know. Before you can make any adjustments to a process, you should have a clear idea of how it operates now, as well as what it’ll look like after you make any changes to it.
Project Management
Introducing a new Business solution in a Phasing approach or as Big Bang strategy can be a choice of the implementation provider
RACI charts are a helpful way to track each stakeholder’s role for a task, milestone, or deliverable—especially if you’re managing a complex project with many decision makers and subject matter experts. With a RACI chart, you can prevent poor decision making and avoid roadblocks in the approvals process that could impact overall project success.
hCange management's purpose is clear: to ensure that changes deliver intended results and outcomes by addressing one of the most critical elements of successful change, the people side of change.
f you're wondering, “is software development a good career?” The answer is yes, especially if you appreciate the opportunity to work from anywhere, as many software developers work remotely.
Like a football team, an Agile software development team is composed of highly skilled individuals who each play a specific role in working together to win a game. Play by play, each member of the offense does their job to help incrementally move the team down the field a few yards at a time, scoring points as they go.
Common mistakes new managers make have a lot to do with their ability to adapt and change. People who get promoted to management are often competitive and often got promoted by focusing only on their own performance. When they get promoted to management, many people find it difficult to change.
The article below shows twenty of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make.
Most of us work on a team at one time or another, whether as team leader or member.
Isn't there some contradiction between these principles? What is the correct view over the problems and where is the border between these two?
Communication is like building muscle. The more you work on it, the more it gets stronger.
CapEx approaches new software development as a lump-sum investment with a depreciable lifetime value. Meanwhile, OpEx are short-term expenses and are typically used up in the accounting period in which they were purchased.