What are the consequences of poor requirements with software development projects?
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Poor software requirements can create further technical problems resulting in poor customer responsiveness, long delivery times, late deliveries, defects, ...

What are the consequences of poor requirements with software development projects?

Poor definition of software requirements can lead to failure of software development projects

Software development requirements are pivotal and central to every successful software development project. Poor requirements practices alone can doom any application development process. No matter how well designed and constructed or well tested an application might be, it is essentially useless if it fails to meet the business needs.

Defects in software development requirements are the sources of the majority of defects that are identified during testing and problems with requirements are among the top causes of project failure.


Common software development requirements problems include incomplete or inaccurate requirements, poorly managed requirements change and missed requirements. The first step of requirements management is accurately capturing the requirements and defining it. Confusion about what is required pretty much guarantees the requirements will not be met and increases the chance of product failure.

The inability to identify all the impacts and notify anyone impacted by a change leads to poor change management. A poorly executed change means wasted efforts, outdated information and design conflict. This drives up cost and creates project delay.

Significant documentation is required of companies who must comply with regulations or meet standards. Those that lack requirements traceability must invest significant time preparing records to prove compliance. Those that have traceability have a far easier time producing reports and records that support compliance as they can automatically trace the regulatory down to the details proving it was satisfied

Improving software investments through requirements validation

IT organizations are increasingly being expected to provide business solutions faster and with better return on investments (ROIs). Their limited technology focus on software fails to deliver predictable, relevant and cost effective solutions. The electronic customer contact management (ECCM) toolkit was designed to rectify the most pervasive problem in software development that is, the known fact that requirements specifications are always incomplete, inaccurate and wrong. The toolkit was used to implement a human-centric solution in a wireless center.

Improving software investments through requirements validation

The solution was driven by productivity improvements in center operations and not by technology. The solution produced measurable improvements in the robustness and effectiveness of center operations, providing the business an ROI of less than 18 months. The ECCM toolkit tackles this business challenge by delivering: validated software requirements in areas such as service, operations and marketing while guaranteeing the investment's ROI through faster cycle times (e.g., one software release per week or faster); tools required by work center management to professionally manage both center resources and enhancements to the team's process-maturity level; and effective change management capabilities to maintain center productivity during the ongoing demand for new capabilities. This need became apparent only after the software bottleneck was eliminated

software requirements, software development projects, software failure,Outsourcing Vietnam,Outsource Software,

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